First Name
Last Name
Preferred Pronouns
Have you hosted an event at The Collective St.Pete before?
No, I am a first time renter!
Yes, I am a recurring renter!
Event/Workshop title?
Event/Workshop requested date?
We have allocated Saturdays and Sunday afternoon and evenings at The Collective for events and workshops.
Please provide your first, second and third choice of dates.
Event/Workshop requested start time?
Event/Workshop requested end time?
Event/Workshop Description
Please provide the description as it would appear on our website's event page.
Mini Bio (Optional)
Please share 1-2 sentences on your experience, qualifications, professional certifications, licensing, training, and/or philosophy you bring. While optional, this can build a sense of trust in you and your offerings. (This tends to be particularly helpful with trauma-informed practices, breathwork, and more intimate workshops.) Please keep it brief so we can include it in your event description.
Can you provide any degrees, certifications or licensing applicable to your offering?
Yes, I can email them to you upon request.
No, I don't have any formal training in my offering.
Im just using the space for it's aesthetic, no offering.
Do you carry personal liability insurance?
Yes, I can email proof to you upon request.
No, I don't have personal liability insurance.
No, but I can acquire it if its required of me.
I understand that I will be responsible for paying a $50.00 (refundable) security deposit along with any additional rental fees required per my previously selected Pay Structure in order to fully secure the space!
Please note that this security deposit is to ensure protection against any damages that may occur while operating within the space regardless of chosen pay structure. It will be returned as long as ALL required closing procedures have been satisfied as per the Collective Renter Packet that will be provided once booking has been fully confirmed.
Yes, I understand I will be responsible for paying a refundable $50 security deposit.
Yes, I agree to satisfy all closing requirements asked of me.
I'd like to forfeit my deposit (once paid) and have staff of The Collective St.Pete take care of all clean up and closing procedures for me
I'd like to keep my deposit (once paid) on file for future events. I understand if my closing procedures are not satisfactory, I will be responsible for paying a new deposit.
I am an active Teacher Member and would like my deposit waived.
I am an active Teacher Member but would still like to pay $50 for post event support
I understand that The Collective St.Pete only sends post-event payouts through our trusted and bank verified services of Zelle and PayPal.
Yes, I understand that I will either need to have my email or phone number registered with Zelle or PayPal in order to receive my payout from my event.
I am registered with Zelle
I am registered with PayPal (there is a 3% processing fee charged)
Do you have a website or other platforms we can visit to learn more about you?
Please provide links or handles below in addition to listing any professional certifications, licensing, or training, if not shared above.
How did you hear about The Collective St.Pete?
Social Media
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